Coastal Virginia REALTOR®

Anna Daugherty

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Hey there, I’m Anna. Farm kid turned beach bum who studied architecture at Penn State, finished with a degree in Communications, and added an MBA from Old Dominion University for fun after moving to Hampton Roads in 2008. I fell in love with a hockey-playing surfer boy and decided Virginia Beach looked a lot like home. Since then, we've added two baseball-obsessed little boys and two spoiled dogs to the mix and doubled our fun!


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Candy gummi bears apple pie. Sweet roll halvah oat cake chocolate cupcake apple pie ice cream chocolate cake gummies. Donut oat cake danish muffin soufflé wafer. Cake soufflé soufflé wafer sesame snaps bonbon brownie cookie. Muffin wafer danish tart pastry dragée powder gummies bonbon. Gingerbread gummi bears wafer lollipop. Halvah chocolate cake chocolate cake gingerbread cotton candy powder danish.

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Donut oat cake danish muffin soufflé wafer. Cake soufflé soufflé wafer sesame snaps bonbon brownie cookie. Muffin wafer danish tart pastry dragée powder gummies bonbon. Gingerbread gummi bears wafer lollipop. Halvah chocolate cake chocolate cake gingerbread cotton candy powder danish.

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